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Indonesian Student Team Earn Gold Medal Competition Se-ASEAN Science

Indonesian student participants of the ASEAN Plus Three Junior event Sience Odyssey.
In the event of ASEAN Plus Three Junior Sience Odyssey (JSO) which took place June 24 to July 1, 2013 yesterday in Bussan, South Korea, a number of students who represent Indonesia recorded a series of achievements. Indonesian student team won the gold medal in the category "Laboratory Skill Assessment" in the fields of biology, physics, and chemistry.

The event is the second time the mat. Earlier in the year 2012, Brunei Darussalam chosen to host. The activity itself was organized by the ASEAN Plus Three Centre for the Gifted in Science (ACGS) under the auspices of the ASEAN Committee in Science and Technology (COST ASEAN) Plus Three (Korea, China, Japan).

According to a written statement received Liputan6.com, Friday (07/12/2013), the event was attended by 75 students and 35 science educators from 10 countries of ASEAN, namely Brunei Darussalam, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, as well as 3 guest country of Nigeria, Sweden and Taiwan.

Because it is a program for smart kids from each state, the task given to the participants was quite difficult and challenging. Each group of participants was assigned to conduct field research in Upo Wetland and Songjeong Beach, to take samples of the various types of plankton and sea water with a salinity level of self-made instruments. In addition, participants also were assigned to make a simple sundial and learn time track the sun.

In addition to the competition, arena fights smart best sons and daughters as well as ASEAN is also filled with lectures and creative workshops for the participants. Amazingly, this event also discussed the possibility to collaborate across borders, exchange of data and information, as well as the development of a data bank that contains a variety of material science learning for all ages.
This activity eventually closed the night session of cultural events to showcase the culture as well as the national dress of each country. Indonesian team received a rousing welcome by the display of martial arts and dance Sajojo of Papua. (Dhi)

Indonesian student team as a whole is represented by two teams consisting of junior high school students from Labschool Kebayoran (Gardahadi, M. Michael Athif ZA, Gianidico Abdillah) and Insan Madani Scholar Serpong (Bagasse Setya W., Elkanah Alifi M., Muhammad Abdurrahman H.) .
Finarya Legoh of the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) became leader of the group, accompanied by Dyah Ratna Permatasari of DoctoRabbit Inc.. Ari also participated Hendrarto S. of PP-science and technology, and 2 science educators from each school. (Dhi / dew)

Source : Liputan 6

Indonesian children achieved the highest honors in British school football MU

London (ANTARA News) - Indonesia's first child of mixed marriage couples Jack Brown (11) and the winner was awarded The Skill Test World Final 2012 Manchester United Soccer School, at the school ball is given to the best student every semester half-time Manchester United - Stoke match at Old Trafford, Manchester, England, the weekend.

Skill Test MUSS World Final in 2012 was attended by about 30 children aged between 10 to 16 years from 25 countries. Most of the children who follow the World Final Skill Test is a member of the national football team from U14-U16 from their respective countries, said Jack's mother, London Beautiful Brown told AFP on Sunday.

Match the skills tested on the skills of the four kinds of short passing, loafting, dribbling, kick ups. "Thank God Jack got to beat the best score of the best players from the previous year Alex English," said Belle Brown.

According to Lovely, which makes it feel touched, when Jack was interviewed and said "I am Indonesian". So that all the applause. Even Sir Alex Ferguson when shaking hands with Jack and said, "Are you Indonesian? Wow, that` s interesting. "

An experience that can not be trusted Jack could participate in the MUSS and even won the World Final MUSS Skill test for children between the ages of 10 and 16 years of the best players from around the world. "I am very proud of the success of Jack," said Belle.

Beautiful Brown and the couple's son Lance Brown who was idolized England footballer Rooney aspires to be a famous footballer, "Jack Anderson is Rooney," said Belle.

Jack was born November 2, 2001 in Jakarta likes to play ball and start practicing soccer since age four when Rooney shaking hands with her eyes filled with tears. "Mum, my heart was beating very hard when I shaked Rooney` s hand, "said Jack as manifested Beautiful Brown.

Since the age of five Jack was practicing football at the club and at home almost every day with his brother George who was also a football lover. Jack followed the club Manchester United Soccer Schools (MUSS) in Dubai in 2006 and instantly became the best player MUSS Dubai.

MUSS Dubai in 2007 moved to Abu Dhabi and they were both training at Arsenal Dubai became Team Development squad.

According Indah Brown, Every summer vacation Jack and George always register at football summer camp either in English or in Indonesian.

In July 2012, Jack and George enroll in summer training camp MUSS Singapore which was held in Senayan Jakarta by the number of participants reached 250 children aged between six years and 16 years.

At that time Jack also won the highest score of 600 points beating 16-year-old boy and his brother and six other winners.

A total of six winners who will be matched again in Singapore, but because Jack is a very good score, he could immediately compete in the MUSS Old Trafford Oct. 2012.

Jack in Dubai twice elected as the best player of the year of Sony Tournament at Al Rashid Elementary School, Nad Al Sheba, 2010 and Dubai English Speaking School Tournament 2011.

Besides Jack was also selected as the best midfielder in the IFA Tournament 2012 and dreamed of becoming a Chelsea player and entered the England national team, England National team. (ZG)
Editor: B Kunto Wibisono

Source : http://www.antaranews.com/berita/339844/anak-indonesia-raih-penghargaan-tertinggi-di-sekolah-bola-mu-inggris

Indonesian students received prestigious awards from the UK, Princess Diana Award

Students from Indonesia, Christy Zacharias, receive awards The International Diana Award for his efforts in Kampung Lengkong-a community on the outskirts of Cisadane, Tangerang, Banten. Christy is the first Indonesian to have won this prestigious award.
Christy Zacharias and British Ambassador Mark Canning
Christy Zacharias and British Ambassador Mark Canning
Since sitting in school, 14-year-old student who was studying in Sinarmas World Academy in Tangerang, has been giving free English lessons to elementary school children in the neighborhood, and with his friends he founded an organization called "Riveria".

Christy received a certificate of appreciation signed by British Prime Minister David Cameron, and will be submitted through the British Ambassador Mark Canning, the British Embassy on May 30.

British Ambassador Mark Canning said:

I am proud of the accomplishments that Christy has received this important award. A remarkable achievement for the effort he has done for the community around. I congratulate Christy and other Indonesian young generation who have helped the less fortunate and giving back their expertise through efforts that are important to their communities. I'm sure Princess Diana, whose memory has inspired this award, will be very impressed with what has been achieved Christy.

International Diana Award This award was established since 2011 to commemorate the year that should be a celebration of the birthday of Princess Diana's 50th. There are more than 150 International Diana Award recipients throughout the world.

Christy, who was nominated by the Global Issues Network Indonesia, is the first Indonesian to receive this award.

Notes to editors
For more information on the International Diana Award, please visit: http://diana-award.org.uk/the-award/international-award

Source : https://www.gov.uk/government/world-location-news/young-indonesian-wins-prestigious-princess-diana-award.id

6 The Olympic Gold Medal Winner for Indonesia

The following nine badminton athletes ever make red and white fly higher among the flags of other countries and make Indonesia Raya song reverberated in the Olympics. They are Olympic gold medalists for Indonesia.
1. Alan Budikusuma

Alan Budikusuma winning badminton men's singles gold medal at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics.

2. Susi Susanti

Susi Susanti became the first Indonesian woman who won the women's singles badminton gold medal at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. Susie and Alan often called Olympic gold partner.
Both have a business in the sport of badminton with international standards. Susi also asked the expert staff at PB PBSI Gita Wirjawan stewardship.

3. Candra Wijaya dan Tony Gunawan

Candra Wijaya and Tony Gunawan (front) being the best in the men's doubles badminton at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Tony is now a U.S. citizen. He lives and trains in the land of Uncle Sam.

4. Markis Kido dan Hendra Setiawan

Markis Kido (left / rear) and Hendra Setiawan is a gold medalist in the men's doubles badminton at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Their outstanding accomplishments in the cage as champion Tigers.

5. Rexy Mainaky (Left) dan Ricky Subagja


Rexy Mainaky (left) and Ricky Subagja is the king of men's doubles in his day. They won the gold medal men's doubles badminton at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
Rexy Mainaky is currently the Head of Development of Achievement in PB PBSI Gita Wirjawan stewardship. Strategic position in world badminton Indonesia. Rexy also been building the foundation badminton achievement in Malaysia, the UK and the Philippines.
Ricky Subagja currently a PR PB PBSI Gita Wirjawan stewardship.

6. Taufik Hidayat


Taufik Hidayat decided to retire at the Indonesia Open in June 2013. Son-Agum Gumelar it would seriously find and train young athletes badminton through Taufik Hidayat Arena.
Taufik Hidayat is a gold medalist in the men's singles badminton at the 2004 Athens Olympics

Tedi and Alya, winner Lion Youngest Player Muri Records

Tuban-Tubuhnya memang terlihat kecil, usia mereka pun baru tujuh dan delapan tahun, tapi aksinya dalam permainan barongsai tak perlu diragukan. Justru itu yang menjadi kehebatan Alya dan Tedi, sehingga dua anak bersaudara tersebut dapat meraih rekor muri dalam perlombaan barongsai pada tahun lalu.
Kelincahan mereka dalam beratraksi barongsai membuat decak kagum para penonton. bukan hanya itu, mereka juga dapat melakukan beberapa gaya yang cenderung rumit bagi orang dewasa. Tapi karena intensitas latihan dan kelihaian mereka dalam menari atas kostum yang cukup berat itu, dua bersaudara yang masih duduk di sekolah dasar tersebut dapat menunjukkan kebolehannya dengan mahir.
Betapa tidak, bocah laki-laki anak dari seorang satpam tersebut dapat melakukan berbagai gaya, seperti meloncat tinggi, salto dan berguling-guling seolah-olah itu adalah singa yang meraung dalam decak kagum penonton.
Alhasil, jerih payahnya tidak sia-sia. Mereka berdua menyabet rekor muri sebagai pemain barongsai termuda dalam perlombaan barongsai di kabupaten Tuban pada 23 juli 2011. Tidak main-main, pada saat itu mereka bersaing di antara 150 peserta lainnya dari seluruh tanah air.
Pada kesempatan sebuah acara, kakak beradik yang masih menempuh pendidikan Sekolah Dasar di Madarasah Ibtidaiyah Ulum Alamia, karang sari – tuban itu menunjukkan ke-lihaiannya dengan berbagai aksi dalam acara Grand Opening PG/TK Ai-Xin di jalan Diponegoro Tuban (19/02). Mereka menyemarakkan peresmian acara dengan tingkah-pola yang begitu menggelitik para tamu.
Tedi dan alya tercatat sebagai anggota Perhimpunan Barongsai Tuban sejak satu tahun yang lalu. Pada saat itu secara kebetulan ayahnya, Rozikin menjabat sebagai Satpam di Klenteng Kwan Sing Bio Tuban, lantas mereka didaftarkan untuk menjadi anak didik di Perhimpunan Barongsai untuk menjadi anggota.
Saat ini mereka masih aktif dan rutin latihan setiap harinya selama dua jam sepulang bersekolah. Menurutnya; “kami memang dari dulu sangat senang Barongsai, apalagi kami meraih rekor muri, itu menambah semangat kami untuk berlatih,” tuturnya kepada WaskitaOnline.(vit)

Robot Watering Plants

Four students Muhammadiyah Elementary School (MIM) Penaruban, District Kaligondang, Purbalingga, creating robotic watering.

"This robot was created by Adi Prayogi Abrams of class 4, class 3 Irwan Sanjaya, Lukman Nurhakim of grade 5, and Nur Cholis of class 5," said Chief MIM Penaruban, Siti Nur Laeli, in Kaligondang, Purbalingga, Monday (21 / 5).

In creating this robot watering, he said, the four students are assisted by a mentor teacher, Ida Muhammad.

According to him, the robot is made ​​of a number of second-hand goods, such as motor rotator pieces of VCD, the front wheels using the wheel on the cassette player 'tape recorder', use water spray former 'wiper' cars, and tank water from a used jar of candy. "Overall, the manufacture of robots watering is Rp 600 thousand," he said.
He said, the workings of the robot using the system 'line follower robot', which runs the read sensor. According to him, this robot uses 3 volt battery as power for propulsion and 9 volt battery as a power to pump water.

"Therefore, MIM Muhammadiyah today launched a series of extracurricular activities Robotic Resurrection Day National Painting Competition is implemented in conjunction with the Inter-Bustanul RA," he explained.
He said, extracurricular Robotics will serve as a flagship school program. "At this time there had been a supervising teacher. Going forward, we will improve the HR (human resources) to attend a tutor training at regional and national arena, including deepening through internet or print media," he said.
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